Optimize RAF Scores: Enhancing Accuracy
and Efficiency in Risk Adjustment

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Boost Your RAF Scores

Access and leverage cutting-edge analytics to uncover opportunities within your membership data. Enhance the accuracy of your Risk Adjustment Factor with insightful analytics.

Comprehensive Data Insights

Capture robust data from diverse sources.
Improve your ability to identify chronic conditions and implement cost-effective interventions.

Predictive Trend Analysis

Utilize projected Risk Adjustment Factor (RAF) scores or suspected health conditions to pinpoint members needing focused care.

Refined Suspecting

Minimize false positives during condition identification.
Use clinical mapping to clearly differentiate between acute and chronic conditions at the ICD-10 level.

Advanced Targeting

Employ our advanced targeting capabilities to analyze risk scores based on specific HCCs. Utilize a powerful analytics engine to clean, map, and validate data, ensuring accuracy before integrating it into our data warehouse.

Coding Gap Solutions

Monitor real-time financial performance to evaluate coding impact.
Identify and address care and documentation gaps through continuous coding progress analysis. interventions.

Let’s transform your revenue cycle today

When you create a high-performance revenue cycle, you’re finally free to invest your full resources into what matters most: the care of your patients.

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