
Wave transforms healthcare with innovation

Founded in 1999, Wave Online leverages innovative Analytics, AI/Machine Learning, and Robotic Process Automation to revolutionize healthcare with advanced revenue cycle solutions and services.

We harness technology and deep expertise to transform revenue cycle management into a data-driven process, enhancing value, efficiency, and cost savings across the healthcare system in over 19 U.S. states.


We Guide Innovation and
Excellence Forward

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Our Mission

At Wave Online, we partner with clients to achieve quality outcomes and high value, always prioritizing integrity for clients, associates, and communities.

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Our Vision

We drive innovation, deliver excellence and ensure success through enhanced services and strong result-focused partnerships with our clients.

Real Feedback From Real Clients

Common questions about our
Revenue Cycle services

What Features Does Provider Analytics Offer?

Provider Analytics is designed to give you a comprehensive view of your healthcare network, empowering you to make informed decisions. Here’s what you can expect:

1. Performance Benchmarking

Compare Across Networks: Evaluate provider performance against industry benchmarks, ensuring that your network is operating at its peak.
Identify Top Performers: Easily identify the most efficient providers and leverage their best practices across your network.

2. Cost & Utilization Analysis

Track Costs: Monitor healthcare spending to pinpoint cost-saving opportunities.
Utilization Insights: Understand patterns in service utilization to optimize resource allocation and reduce unnecessary expenditures.

3. Quality of Care Assessment

Patient Outcomes: Analyze patient outcomes to ensure the highest quality of care.
Compliance Monitoring: Track adherence to clinical guidelines and regulatory requirements to maintain high standards

4. Network Optimization

Provider Network Analysis: Evaluate the effectiveness of your provider network and identify gaps or areas for improvement.
Strategic Planning: Use data-driven insights to guide your network expansion or consolidation strategies.

5. Risk Stratification

Patient Risk Profiles: Stratify patients by risk levels to prioritize care and manage chronic conditions more effectively.
Predictive Analytics: Utilize predictive models to anticipate future healthcare needs and trends.

6. Contract Performance Monitoring

Contractual Adherence: Ensure providers are meeting contractual obligations and performance metrics.
Financial Impact Analysis: Assess the financial impact of provider contracts on your overall healthcare spend.

7. Customizable Dashboards & Reporting

Real-Time Data: Access real-time analytics through customizable dashboards tailored to your specific needs.
Automated Reporting: Generate detailed reports with ease, enabling data-driven decision-making across your organization.

8. Patient Satisfaction Metrics

Survey Integration: Incorporate patient satisfaction surveys to gauge provider performance from the patient’s perspective.
Feedback Loop: Use feedback to drive continuous improvement in service delivery.

How Can Your Practice Improvement Services Benefit Us?

Our Practice Improvement Services are designed to optimize your healthcare practice, ensuring you deliver exceptional patient care while maximizing operational efficiency. Here’s how our services can benefit your organization:

1. Enhanced Patient Care

Clinical Excellence: We work with your team to implement evidence-based best practices, improving patient outcomes and ensuring high-quality care.
Patient-Centered Approaches: Our strategies focus on enhancing the patient experience, from improving communication to streamlining care pathways.
Care Coordination: Improve coordination across your practice, ensuring that patients receive timely and effective care throughout their treatment journey.

2. Operational Efficiency

Process Optimization: We analyze your current workflows and identify areas for improvement, helping to reduce inefficiencies and increase productivity.
Resource Management: Optimize the use of resources, from staff allocation to medical supplies, ensuring that your practice operates smoothly and cost-effectively.
Lean Management: Implement lean methodologies to eliminate waste, streamline processes, and improve overall practice performance.

3. Financial Performance

Revenue Cycle Management: Improve your revenue cycle processes, from billing to collections, ensuring that your practice captures all revenue opportunities.
Cost Reduction Strategies: Identify and implement cost-saving measures without compromising the quality of care, helping you to maintain a healthy bottom line.
Financial Analytics: Utilize our advanced financial analytics to track performance, identify trends, and make informed financial decisions.

4. Regulatory Compliance & Risk Management

Compliance Audits: Ensure your practice adheres to all relevant regulatory standards, reducing the risk of penalties and improving overall governance.
Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks within your practice and implement strategies to mitigate them, ensuring a safe and compliant environment.
Documentation Improvement: Enhance clinical documentation practices to ensure accuracy, completeness, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

5. Provider and Staff Development

Continuous Education: Offer ongoing training and education to your providers and staff, keeping them up-to-date with the latest healthcare practices and technologies.
Performance Feedback: Implement feedback mechanisms to help providers and staff continuously improve their performance.
Leadership Development: Cultivate leadership skills within your team, empowering them to lead initiatives and drive positive change in your practice.

6. Patient Engagement & Satisfaction

Patient Communication: Improve communication strategies to keep patients informed and engaged throughout their care journey, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
Experience Enhancement: Develop strategies to enhance the patient experience, from the first interaction to follow-up care, ensuring a positive and lasting impression.
Feedback Integration: Collect and analyze patient feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes that enhance patient satisfaction.

7. Technology Integration & Innovation

EHR Optimization: Optimize your Electronic Health Records (EHR) system to improve efficiency, accuracy, and ease of use for providers and staff.
Telehealth Solutions: Implement and optimize telehealth services to expand access to care and meet the needs of your patients in a rapidly changing healthcare landscape.
Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilize advanced analytics and data visualization tools to make informed decisions that drive practice improvement.

Let’s transform your revenue cycle today

When you create a high-performance revenue cycle, you’re finally free to invest your full resources into what matters most: the care of your patients.

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