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Revenue leakages can happen if efficient care is not put up for information documentation. In order to accomplish a sustainable improvement in the overall process, effective collaboration should be maintained between coding and charge entry teams.

Our charge entry services yield superior accuracy and decreased deficits. Our charge entry experts are capable of processing huge volume of charge entry transactions with exceptional accuracy. We perform an audit on the entered charges before submission and ensures a clean claim is submitted to the insurance.

What To Expect From Our Charge Entry and Audit Services?

  • Improved productivity and accuracy by optimizing revenue and identifying missed revenue
  • Instances of over-billing, coding errors, and missed charges are identified during charge audit
  • Avoids delay in AR processing and fix compliance issues for charge overages

Let’s transform your revenue cycle today

When you create a high-performance revenue cycle, you’re finally free to invest your full resources into what matters most: the care of your patients.

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