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Wave Online also offers claim submission services to help the physicians rationalize their claims management. Our categorized style of passing on claims to specific payor groups based on pro-actively identified measures maximizes the efficiency of the claim submission process.

In general, clearing houses provide a report within 24 hours. This report contains accepted and rejected claims on the submitted list. Our team will review these reports on a priority basis. We will fix the rejected claims and resubmit them to the insurance providers within 24 hours. We also possess the capability of processing paper claims

What We Offer?

Health plan comprises of huge volumes of claims on a daily basis and we perform the following for Claims processing.

What To Expect from Our Claims Submission Services?

  • Minimized turn around and appeal times
  • Lower administrative costs
  • A Decrease in overall claim operation costs

Let’s transform your revenue cycle today

When you create a high-performance revenue cycle, you’re finally free to invest your full resources into what matters most: the care of your patients.

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